Feb 24
Any idea why some people seem to stumble and groan through their troubles? Why some always find the worst possible way to see their struggles… not learning how to face those problems? There are deeper reasons for not seeing the deeper, unseen levels of our inner nature.
Finding peace within us is essential to good health. How can do we do this in such a busy, troubled world? How can we understand the conflicts we feel? Can we really sort through what is happening inside your mind? Will our Emotions even be calm and peaceful? What about that accusing voice that often haunts us with our failures?
In our 30 plus years of counselling and mentoring, we have discovered an amazingly useful tool we call “The Boardroom”.
Welcome to the Boardroom!
In our 30 plus years of counselling and mentoring, we have discovered an amazingly useful tool we call “The Boardroom”. Daniel and I started mentoring people, helping them to have a healthy walk with God. We saw amazing changes in people as they learned to follow the Lord Jesus.
Hey, don’t close the page because I mentioned ‘God’.
We want to offer you a ‘Taste and See’ FREE Mimi course on these 7 tools that are guaranteed to change your life too – if you put your Heart into listening and trying to follow each step.
“What guaranteed? How can you say that? “… because we have changed our life and have seen so many find that peace they were looking for.
In Chapter 1, you will find:
Don’t know about The Boardroom? The New Testament writer Paul talked about “… the body, the soul and the spirit…”. We can use his example and explain more about the soul because we have five more parts to our soul.
So, you actually have 7 parts to your inner world: a Will, the Conscience, the essential Mind, our Heart, our Emotions.
Oh, that’s only six? If you know Jesus as Lord, He is to be the Head of our Boardroom. By the Holy Spirit, He is the seventh and wants to be at the Head of your Table. Is He?
My friend Marina and I once had a very plutonic friendship, lasting for about 5 years. It was a one of a kind, a long-distance friendship that touched Heart to Heart – no not sexual but our love for each other was strong and mutual … at least I thought it was.
My cousin and I had the time to visit with her about a year ago and … crash, something broke … 3 weeks and no emails meant the friendship had been broken. What happened was the cry of my Heart.
I gathered my Boardroom members and went to visit the Marina Room in my Heart. The door was familiar but a bit neglected since the last time I visited the room. We slowly filed into the room and I listened to the conversations between the 7 members within me.
My Body was first: “If only we had spent more time with her, gone on walks as we talked about but that knee accident had stopped any long walks. Maybe she didn’t know that, so she had different expectations that reality? I got to the point though that I couldn’t stand another dinner of half-cooked peas.”
My Will: “Ha’ It was so hot and working with her outside was a joke; that was the problem. If she expected that ….? No, I just wanted to say inside where it was cool and talk with my cousin and play with her cat. I couldn’t be bothered doing anything, like work outside with her.”
My Conscious: “We hardly could blame her when I didn’t expect it to be so hot there. Maybe I judged her for not telling us the real story of her life, too …. She had 3 guys snuffing around her and she could have said so. I can hardly blame myself for not knowing that. She had evening dates lined up that didn’t include us. Don’t blame me for the break-up; I’m not taking that on. Maybe she over-heard more than we thought when my cousin and I were talking about her lifestyle?”
My Emotions: “I just want our friendship, our love back. I could cry myself to sleep many nights if I didn’t listen to that Conscience saying it was our fault. … But I can’t help but think it was. I feel so much loss, grief and sadness that I miss our time together. Yes, I judged her too for not being open with us…. But how I miss her!”
My Mind: “Hey! Come on all of you. Get yourselves together. If something got broke in our time together, it was on her to tell us what happened. Has she? No! Keep what you can of the friendship and let’s just move on.”
My Human Spirit: “We did pray together and maybe my pray was too directed, too much judgement can through in that prayer? Maybe I pushed too hard but she needed to hear truth. No, we often spoke truth to each other so truth in my prayer was important too.”
My Heart: “Now I have let you all into Marina’s room, what shall we do now? I am broken up about this too. I have sent 2 emails and no response. I need to look to the One that is in control.”
… but the Holy Spirit said: “Remember control by us is an illusion. We really don’t have control over life. We can choose, ask for and even pursue something but it isn’t in our control to make it happen. So, it is with Marina…. Forgive, bless and let go. You may never understand what happened.”
…and that is what I have indevoured to do since then.
Apr 22
Retirement found us in 2018 surrounded by as loving community, still continuing in Mentoring and Coaching in Melbourne Australia. Susan is still involved in Blogs and the Internet, having collected 1,000 pages of Worksheets, and teaching materials. Part of that teaching material is found with our package on ‘Looking into Pinterest’.
Susanne: “We need to know what is stored in our Heart that keeps us from God and the abundant life He promised.
“This is more of a journey than a onetime event. God often exposes what is in our Heart through buttons that others push. When we get offended about a particular situation or with a person, we have a reaction to that event or person.””
“A good example of this is when we moved into our new home, and I organized the kitchen as I wanted it. Many times, my husband would come in and make changes as (his answer) ‘…. this is more logical’.”
“Finally, I asked the Lord where this button was coming from. He showed me a 13-year-old Susan standing with Mother, who had just re-arranged my closet and drawers, tossing precious things out without my input. Where was the real button? …. with my mother taking over my possessions. God love us too much to leave the harmful pain in our Heart.”
We try to get something set up every week, but you know busy schedules …
So, join us as we continue to share the events, treasures and milestone we have learned.
Enjoy our Blog! Susanne
Jun 21
Ever wondered why conflicts happen, both with others and within yourself? What’s going on inside of you that almost overpowers, or dives you to certain addictions, disastrous behaviors – or causes you to make decisions that are sell-destructive?
We have found within each of us that are SEVEN Parts, a network that can produce inter disharmony – or can work together to find peace and harmony.
Can you guess what we are talking about?
What’s happening with your Emotions in today stress? How is your Mind coping with all the decisions you need to make? Then what about that bothersome Conscience? Does the stress and the decisions you need to make conflict?
We haven’t even mentioned your Will or spiritual Heart …. or your internal SEO. These are all combining to exerting pressure on your physical Body.
Then what about the Real You – your personal spirit? What? Do you know you even have a spirit – or that you are a spirit being that will live forever somewhere … forever? Hhuuummm, interesting concept.
Come find out about how all these parts combine to work in harmony … are they in direct opposition, throwing your whole life out of balance.
Send an email to the above address to receive your FREE eBook and learn to find that inner tranquility you’ve always wanted.